David Lefkowitz

David Lefkowitz

Visual Artist and Carleton College Professor David Lefkowitz shows MN Original his painting series of "Cultivars" - unlikely topiary structures highlighting the ubiquitous human impulse to gain mastery over nature, at the Bloomington Art Center.

Visual Artist and Carleton College Professor David Lefkowitz shows paintings from his series Cultivars — unlikely topiary structures highlighting the ubiquitous human impulse to gain mastery over nature, at the Bloomington Art Center. Artist Bio: David Lefkowitz has no shortage of awards and commendation for his resume. He's had numerous solo and group shows around the country. He's been collected by the Walker Art Center and beyond, he's won McKnight fellowships etc. His work begins with some basic questions, "What is the relation of an image to an object?" And, "How is our perception of the world altered by the conventions we trust to describe it?" His work acknowledges our lives in a visual culture and break down the barriers with which we see and understand art. Minnesota Music in this Segment: John Gorka More Info: David Lefkowitz

Air Date 10/14/10

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